Zumaia, Spain 2015

Zumaia, Spain 2015

Friday, September 23, 2016

22 September 2016: Cadavedo

Amazing view from the point right beyond our hotel.

20 September 2016: Soto Del Barco

So we didn't think twice about rewarding ourselves when we happened upon a hotel whose reasonable price included a couple of hours in the spa!

20 September 2016: Avilés to Soto del Barco

OK. We know the peregrino experience can be one of hardship and of self-denial. It is strenuous work climbing from sea level up to as much is 1800 feet in elevation within just a few hours.

19 September 2016: Aviedo

A Camino blessing: Being in Oviedo on the day of their annual festival, this one celebrating Spanish-speaking countries in the Americas.

18 September 2016: Villaviciosa

One of my favorite things about walking through Spain--and Europe for that matter--is the antiquity. 400-year-old Hotel Carlos I was a treat, especially considering it was €24 per night.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

16 September 2016, Ribadesella continued

I took a rest day after Jim called yesterday one of the top five worst days of walking he had ever experienced after five Caminos. "LA TORMENTA" had really worn us all down. I had become quite a bit dehydrated (no, it does not work to stick your tongue out during a rainstorm) and thought it best to stay around, rest, and rehydrate. But that doesn't mean I didn't have a jolly good time in the town of expert sidra pourers
 and salsa dancers. 

16 September 2016: Ribadesella arrival

 We were all extremely grateful to find our hotel, the "faded glory" Hotel Marina, in Ribadesella. 

Friday, September 16, 2016

16 September 2016: La Isla

Now we are tucked in for the night in La Isla, I in the tiniest hotel room I have ever experienced but with every thing I could possibly need… including a hairdryer (for drying clothes), 
a terrace, 
a bed which will accommodate my 5'3" long body, and a bathtub!  Three guesses as to what this is:

15 September 2016

At 405 km, we reached the halfway mark on our 815 km trek to Santiago shortly before the deluge of rain.  

Thursday, September 15, 2016

15 September 2016

So the sun can't shine every day, and we learned it firsthand today. Leaving Ovio and Nueva we were prepared for bad weather… ...and we briefly considered taking the train to Ribadesella instead. The wind was extremely strong, and at least one of us had the sense to consider falling branches as a possible danger as we walked.  But alas we walked on and seriously began to regret our decision when, as we were pausing for a 30 second  break, THIS happened right where we would have been had we not stopped!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

14 September 2016

... and beautiful rugged mountain peaks on the other.  

14 September 2016

Walking from Llanes to Ovio we were spoiled again by the ocean on one side with an incredible rock formation that looked like a whale…  

12 September 2016

Walking out and back on a semi rest day from Llanes, we hiked along a trail from which we were pretty sure we would get some views of the ocean. But imagine our expressions when, at the end of the pasture and looking down from a high cliff, we came upon this: 

11 September 2016

Little did we know that the tempting beach had added about 5 km to our walk, as we had to walk around the bay to get into San Vincente.  But it was worth it!

11 September 2016

We were quite some distance from San Vincente but could see the beach. The trail guide was leading us along the road, but the beach was too tempting and so we decided to take a walk along it as our way into town.    

11 September 2016

We missed a turn which would've taken us inland, but we were delighted that we got coastal views and this walk instead.


11 September 2016

...and new life everywhere we looked.  

11 September 2016: Comillas to San Vincente

Over and over again we were surprised by incredibly beautiful coastal views...   

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Thursday, September 8, 2016

12 September 2015: Francisco

... with our good Camino friend Francisco.  

12 September 2015: Bilboa

Bilboa is where I exited the Camino in 2015. I left Pam and Jim in very good "hands"... 

10 September 2015: Zumaia

Another incredible shot...the large photo that greets you on the home page is from the same spot but looking east down the coast. This one is looking west up the northern Spanish coast. 

10 September 2015: Onward Toward Oreo


9 September 2015: Basque Countryside

...and finally left Zarutz, walking into more incredibly beautiful countryside.

9 September 2015: More Reveling

We partied a while longer...  

9 September 2015: Casa Rural in Zarutz

This is where we stayed, although since it was a festival day, we had to walk down a steep hill into town for dinner and back up, about 2 miles each way, because, of course, neither the kitchen crew or the taxi drivers were working this particular day!  

9 September 2015: Very Dangerous Camino Revolutionary

Be forewarned, and don't be surprised if you see the name Jim Runyon on the FBI's most wanted list.  

9 September 2015: Zarutz continued

...and when seen--and heard-- from behind were even more interesting. The men marched with a lift in their step, and the cowbell-like objects hanging on the backs of their costumes made a clanking sound as they advanced. We were definitely in Basque Country!

9 September 2015: El Dia de Fiesta in Zarutz

It was happenstance that we arrived for the annual festival day in Zarutz.  Every town has one but none of the town festivals are on the same day. The costumes worn by those in the parade we're very interesting…