Of course the Camino is a perfect life analogy, so if you have any inside information on the latter, I’d be grateful if you’d pass it along. 😊
This shows you the northern route of the Camino from Irun along the coast until the Camino turns away from the coast and southwest toward Santiago. You can see where I am in relationship to the beginning at Irun.
I have walked a total of 310.8 km (talk about precision). In the interest of time and also because I’ve had a couple of unexpected days of sickness, I have skipped along by bus for part of the coastal distance from Irun while still walking the 310.8 km.
Now I am in Ribadeo. You can see where I am about to turn away from the coast.
I will now be entering the province of lovely Galicia, though, which will make up for the lack of views of the sea.
Galicia is beautiful, like a combination of being in the North Carolina mountains and of being in a fairy forest. It might be my favorite province of the four.
Here is a photo taken in Galicia from my last walk to Santiago in 2016.
I think I have about 220 km to walk to Santiago. I hope to walk that entire distance.