Zumaia, Spain 2015

Zumaia, Spain 2015

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Bilbao: Old Town to New City

24 September 
Casual Gurea 
Rest Day

Cities are easy and comfortable for me when traveling alone. 

The walk into Bilboa is dramatic even when the weather is not (as this photo makes it out to be).

I am lucky to be staying in the Old Town...

...where orienting from the hostel perfectly located next to the ancient cathedral...

...and finding the way to Plaza Major is a mini adventure.

I like to have coffee and dinner in the same place if I find the waiters to be friendly and tolerant of my broken Spanish...

...and Victor’s fits the bill. 

Strolling down the river to the Guggenheim, there was a crew team practicing (even though the boats were synthetic)...

...and late 19th century architecture...

...before coming upon the museum itself which for me is a more interesting piece of art work than the contents. 


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