Zumaia, Spain 2015

Zumaia, Spain 2015

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Santander, or Where is Julio?

27 September
Palicio de La Magdalena

The way to Santander from Noja commences with more walking along the autopista (highway), so I let go of my pride and chose to do a Taximino to Galizano since there was no bus or train to there. 

The driver actually complemented me for not walking along the road as we passed numerous Pelegrinos on both sides of the highway. Very dangerous!

It was cooler today, with brisk conditions...

as I greeted surfers and wished them “buenas olas.”

Santander as we approached it from the ferry...

After settling in I walked to the Palicio de La Magdalena, or the site of the filming of Spanish Gran Hotel. If you haven’t watched it yet on Netflix, you are missing a delightful but more campy Spanish version of Downton Abbey.

I was unable to find Julio...

... so I’ll continue on walking one step at a time. 

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