Zumaia, Spain 2015

Zumaia, Spain 2015

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Llanes to Nueva

Wednesday 2 October
Ribadesella, Asturias
Walk from Llanes to Nueva

Immediately upon leaving Llanes the Picos come into sharper view. 

Going through the tiny village of Poo, pronounced pō-ō, I saw a dozen people at the bar for coffee from France, Czechoslovakia, Australia, the Netherlands, and San Diego. No, I didn’t throw the last one in just for a joke.

I didn’t stick around long enough to get a really good photo of it, but this bull has a gold ring in his nose. I hope you can understand why. 

Morning sun is beautifully reflected off of the Picos. 

Older part is in the foreground. 

Village colors, me gusta. 

Picos getting closer, or I should say I am getting closer to them.

Convent from the 18th century. 

Fabulous French foursome. Denise gave me...

...her Camino bracelet. 

The rest is a smattering of the rest of the day’s walk for you to enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Kathy, thanks so much for sharing your journey and photos. It is really revving me up!
