Zumaia, Spain 2015

Zumaia, Spain 2015

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Day One: Monday, 4 April 2022 Outer Hebrides, Isle of Lewis

Started our adventure with Saint Moluag, the saint invoked against madness. We actually remained quite sane throughout our journey. 

At the Butt of Lewis, almost deafening waves awaited us and gave us our first hint of tropical blue. 

A lovely white house at the port of Ness.

Beautifully preserved black houses in the village…

where this family lived until 1972. 

Allie the weaver who demonstrated his craft for us on his hundred year old loom.

Typical scene as we enjoyed our first day of “touching almost every inch of the isle,” as Annie explained. 

Callanish Stones which confounded us with their majesty and sturdiness.

Monday, April 4, 2022

The Callanish Stones

Millie the donkey

Hector will not let her out of his sight so there had to be the both of them in the palm Sunday procession. 

The two rams top left had just locked horns

At the Black House community

Cairn at the top, looking down…

Lighthouse at the Butt of Lewis

More crashing waves at the Butt

Lovely beach

St. Mulough’s Church

Starting the walk in St. Mulough’s Church

The Most North Westerly Point…